Evens Foundation
Living together harmoniously in Europe

Evens Prize for European Journalism 2017

Evens Prize for European Journalism 2017
Tom Nuttall of The Economist and Christoph Zotter of Profil magazine won the 2017 Evens Prize for European Journalism

 Since 2013, the Evens Foundation has awarded prizes, every two years, to journalists whose work contributes to making the European project more comprehensible for a broad audience.

First, an international nomination committee draw up a shortlist of candidates who meet the strict criteria. Then an international jury of journalism experts assess the journalists and make their choice.

This year’s winners are Tom Nuttall of The Economist and Christoph Zotter of Profil magazine, who receives the Encouragement Award for a young journalist under 36.

The two laureates will be honoured at the Difference Day event onWednesday, 3 May 2017 in Bozar, Brussels. You are invited to join us at this exciting event, organized in the framework of World Press Freedom Day. For the complete program and to register, go to: www.differenceday.com/

Tom Nuttall

Tom Nuttall writes on European politics and economics in The Economist‘s Charlemagne column. Among other issues, he has covered the European migrant crisis, the rise of populism, the Greek bailout and Brexit. He is the author of ‘Looking for a home’, a report on the world’s refugees. He is a regular commentator on television and radio.
Christoph Zotter_portrait blackwhite
Christoph Zotter is an Austrian journalist who uses various storytelling techniques to bring readers closer to understanding highly complicated but extremely important matters at European Union level. He thinks it crucial to find ways of making the often very technical ongoings in Brussels, The Hague and Strasbourg more accessible for his readers.