Evens Foundation
Living together harmoniously in Europe

Cycle of Conferences – Brussels 2015

Cycle of Conferences – Brussels 2015
Yes, we believe in the European project! That’s why the Evens Foundation decided to invite you to the Brussels Days (Journées de Bruxelles) conference “Europe, last chance”, a two-day conference organized by l’Obs in collaboration with Bozar, De Standaard and Le Soir, and with the support of the Evens Foundation.

Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 November 2015

Bozar, Ravensteinstraat 23, 1000 Brussels

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker opened the debates at a special session where he answered questions from the public.


The conference featured a wide range of exciting speakers, including Philippe Aghion, Richard Wilkinson, Bruno Colmant, Philippe Douste-Blazy, Paul Dujardin, Pascal Lamy, Cécilia Malmström, Arnaud Montebourg, Miguel Ángel Moratinos, Didier Reynders, Jean-Michel Ribes, Michel Rocard, Martin Schulz, Édouard Tétreau, Hubert Védrine, Walter Veltroni, Guy Verhofstadt,…

To see the events and full list of speakers, have a look at the full program.