Evens Foundation
Living together harmoniously in Europe

Cycle of Conferences – Brussels 2016

Cycle of Conferences – Brussels 2016
On October 19-20th Evens Foundation is co-organizing the Brussels Days, a series of talks and debates on the provocative subject "The end of Europe? What's next?"

Last year, the “Brussels Days” were titled “Europe, last chance.” Since then, nothing has happened to indicate that the European Union may now have seized this “last chance” with the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome (1957) fast approaching.

On the contrary, the British vote for Brexit, the prevarication in the face of the refugee crisis and Europe’s virtual absence from the attempts to resolve the Syrian crisis have shown that the European Union has failed to pull itself out of the existential crisis in which it seems to be stuck. Hence the provocative title for this year’s event: “The end of Europe? What’s next?”

We will be interviewing political leaders, social actors and intellectuals on the major challenges facing Europe today, whether security, the place of Islam, Brexit and its consequences, policy towards the digital giants or politics in the 21st century.

Europe is dead, long live Europe! Or how not to cede to fatalism and pessimism.


Please find the program and registration form here