Evens Foundation
Living together harmoniously in Europe

Cycle of Conferences – London 2015

Cycle of Conferences – London 2015

Evens Foundation and London School of Economics and Political Science organised together a conference “Reconnecting Europe: bridging the gap between European citizens and the European institutions”


Wednesday, 11th March 2015

Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building, LSE

The aim of the conference was to connect discussions of Europe’s contemporary cultural, economic and political conditions to the question: “How to bridge the gap between European citizens and the European institutions?” with a view to engaging primarily a student audience.


Reconnecting Europe: bridging the gap between European citizens and European institutions

Wednesday 11 March, 1.45-8pm

Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building, LSE


Welcome Address

Joaquín Almunia, Ex-Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner responsible for competition


Disintegrating Europe: Nationalism, Regionalism and Globalization

Scoping Introduction: John Breuilly, Professor of Nationalism and Ethnicity, LSE

Guest Speaker: Kalypso Nicolaïdis, Professor of International Relations and Director of the European Studies Centre, University of Oxford

At the level of both the member states and the EU as a whole there are social forces pulling in opposite directions (both local and global), putting tremendous pressure on existing political institutions. This session was to explore the cultural and political conditions prevailing in Europe today.




Political Economy of European Union

Scoping Introduction: Bob Hancké, Associate Professor of Political Economy, European Institute, LSE

Guest Speaker: David Soskice, Professor of Political Science and Economics, LSE

Can Europe’s member states sustain the European Social Model? In this session we  explored how economic innovations promoted by the EU (the Euro, Banking Union, debt sharing) as well as global ‘neoliberal’ market developments are changing the European political-economy.


Wine reception


European Politics and Government

Scoping Introduction: Mareike Kleine, Associate Professor of EU and International Politics, European Institute, LSE

Guest Speaker: Jonathan Holslag, Professor of International Politics, The Free University of Brussels

European politics has been dominated by the vexed question of the democratic deficit. Should Europe move towards greater political union? Should the European Parliament become a proper European government? Or should we look for innovations at the national, regional, or even city level?

Read more here
