Evens Foundation
Living together harmoniously in Europe

Europe out of conflict

Europe out of conflict
In 2014 we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Great War. A total of 60 young people from Poland, Spain, Sweden, Bulgaria, Germany, Belgium and Turkey are gathering in Brussels from 24-29 November to reflect upon the causes and consequences of this shared part of our history.

With their knowledge of the war in mind, they will analyse current conflicts at the EU’s borders as well as tensions within the EU that might undermine peace. The main objective of the project is to prepare a new peace treaty that will help secure peace in today’s and tomorrow’s Europe.

To prepare for the joint meeting, each partner will organize a national workshop in their respective countries on 18 October. At the end of the November gathering, a public event will take place in Brussels, on 24-29 November 2014. More information soon.

Europe Out of Conflict is a project of Ryckevelde in partnership with the Evens Foundation and with the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission.


Ryckevelde vzw

Projekt Polska

CESAM foundation


SCI Catalunya

YMCA Dobrich

GEGED (Gaziantep training and youth association)