Evens Foundation
Living together harmoniously in Europe

FutureLab Europe

FutureLab Europe
Europe is a multi-level governance system and participation in European democracies starts at grassroots level. Yet, every day’s news show that policy-makers, both at the European and national level, are disconnected from citizens’ daily considerations and that Europe is too often perceived as an elite project.

To turn this around, Evens Foundation decided to become a partner of the FutureLab Europe to help to encourage young Europeans in their active citizenship efforts at their level, i.e. their communities. The project offers the young citizens of Europe the concrete chance to shape the reality around them by providing support for the implementation of their own projects. At the same time, the programme connects young and active citizens, who have a strong interest in matters of European relevance, mainly democracy and participation, equal opportunities for young people, and European identity. Participants of FutureLab Europe for four years now have been developing their own ideas and positions and takeing responsibility and actions by implementing their own projects, while using them to address decision-makers with specific messages.

Check 2017 and 2018 editions of the program below.