Evens Foundation
Living together harmoniously in Europe

Exterritory Project

A symposium conceived by artists Maayan Amir & Ruti Sela
Moderated by Anat Ben-David
With Angus Cameron, Dana Diminescu,
Stuart Elden and Laurent Jeanpierre

Wednesday, May 2, 2012, from 5 pm to 9 pm
80 quai de Jemmapes, 75010 Paris

Co-organised by Kadist Art Foundation and Evens Foundation.

“Exterritory is an art project whose goal is to encourage both the theoretical and practical exploration of ideas concerning Extraterritoriality in an interdisciplinary context. The conference marks a depart from the focus on exterritorial spaces, to the attempt of defining exterritorial epistemologies (…),  that may expand the possibilities to rethink notions of territory, the nation state, global capitalism or sovereign powers and their constructions.” (Maayan Amir et Ruti Sela)

For the Evens Foundation, this encounter allows to re-engage with the interrogations that were formulated during our “Floating Territories Project” in 2007. In this project, artists and thinkers were invited on board a boat to experiment with the creation of a territory, a heterotopia, in order to question the conditions of change in a Europe in motion. In situating the Exterritory conference in a European perspective, we pursue the search for critical tools with which to examine the crucial contemporary notions of citizenship and national sovereignties, territories and frontiers.

Find more information by downloading the leaflet.

Link to the Exterritory Project