Evens Foundation
Living together harmoniously in Europe


To promote harmonious living together, the Evens Foundation aims to stimulate efforts to increase media literacy - by raising critical awareness, which implies comprehension and cultural awareness, and by encouraging media creativity. Both of these contribute to the development of highly aware, active and responsible citizens.

According to the European Commission, media literacy “should help citizens to recognize how the media filter their perceptions and beliefs, shape popular culture and influence personal choices.”

The media program thus focuses on learning about the media, with media literacy as an expected outcome. It aims to develop both critical understanding of the media and active participation in the media (production).

The Evens Foundation focuses on supporting projects that “empower citizens with the critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills to make them judicious consumers and producers of information (…).” In addition, the Evens Prize for Media Education is awarded biennially.

In the past years