Evens Foundation
Living together harmoniously in Europe

EF grants for EU media literacy programs 2014

EF grants for EU media literacy programs  2014
In spring 2014 the Evens Foundation launched a new call for European media literacy projects, with a focus on the active involvement of (grand-)parents in the media educational activities.

The foundation is seeking to emphasise that the media education of children should not be outsourced to teachers and/or media educators, but is a responsibility that parents share with them. Therefore we were looking for projects that empower parents to question, evaluate and discuss the use of media within their home.

Examples of good projects are, among others: those that raise parents’ interest in and understanding of the media activities of their children, that guide them with tips on how to introduce children to digital media devices, and that teach parents and children (together) the mechanics of the new media.

An external international jury of experts decided to support the following six organizations, with a grant of €6,000 each. Their projects, together with a selection of other notable projects, will be highlighted as inspirational practice in our next Media Literacy publication, in spring 2015.

The recipients of the Evens Foundation’s Media Literacy Grants 2014 are:

Digipolis (Belgium) for the Digikriebels project, which encourages parents and children from vulnerable families to play online educational games together.

The Faculty of Mass Media Communication of the University of Travna (Slovakia) for The Junior and Senior Academy, which aims to create a suitable concept for development of the media literacy of seniors, intergenerational dialogue, and the sharing of both media and life experience with the teenager generation.

The Programmaberatung für Eltern (Germany) for Flimmo: TV through a child’s eyes, which seeks to close the generational gap between parents and their young children with regard to understanding the television viewing and processing habits of current media consumers like them.

Landesfilmdienst Thüringen (Germany) for MEiFA, Media worlds in families, which aims to improve the media literacy of all family members by facilitating joint media experiences and organizing family workshops.

The Nobody’s Children Foundation (Poland) for Necio: Playing online together, which addresses children, their parents and their educators, and focuses on providing various opportunities such as games, songs and websites to discover together.

Safer Internet Hellas (Greece) for The Internet Farm, which offers a book and a theatre performance to initiate younger children into the basic rules of Internet usage, with special attention on the active responsibility of parents.