Evens Foundation
Living together harmoniously in Europe

EMELS - European Media Literacy Standard

EMELS - European Media Literacy Standard
Preparation of the Standard of media literacy for youth workers, strengthen the value of developing media and digital competencies as well as partnership between organizations involved in the topic of media literacy in Europe are the most important goals of EMELS (European Media Literacy Standard) project which started in January 2017. Evens Foundation is one of the partners in the project.

The project brings together international experts to develop a common approach to media education training, learn from each other and exchange experiences. It is realized by seven organizations: Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska from Poland, JFF from Germany, Centro Zaffiria from Italy, Karpos from Greece, Ariel Trust from Great Britain and Imec and Evens Foundation.

The most important and significant part of the project is preparation of the innovative media literacy training programme: European Media Literacy Standard for Youth Workers. Standard will help to identify skills, qualifications and raise the quality of youth work and training in media education field, improving access to Open Educational Resources in this area. The project will consist of four 2-day transnational project meetings, remote collaborative work on a complete training resources pack as well as 6 multiplier events carried out by partners in their countries. EMELS will start a positive change in the media education programmes in Europe.

Media literacy is one of the way to enhance development of basic and transversal skills which are necessary to build society of active citizens with critical thinking toward the media. During the preparation of the Standard we will develop common understanding of media literacy and its priorities. In the first phase of project we prepared common definition of media literacy understood as a process of preparing individuals (knowledge, skills and attitudes) for a competent use and understanding of media. The reasons (you can choose only one or more of them to start media literacy activities) of building media literacy projects and programmes are:
– to be happy
– to develop further
– to connect with others
– to be part of society (or even to transform society)

In the next phases we will share experiences and exchange good practices in the topic of media literacy. The descriptiondescrtiption of best practices will be published on the project website: www.emels.eu as well on the MIL/PEER platform: milpeer.eu which helps organizations to prepare, translate and publish educational resources. It allows organizations to collaboratively work on joint projects.

While working on the Standard we will consult with several organizations and institutions which are involved in the topic of media literacy and youth work. We want to prepare an innovative tool that can be useful during preparation of media literacy activities.

As well we want to contribute to a better recognition and understanding of the media, information and digital skills within and across national borders, in all sub-systems of education and training and on the labor market.

Follow the project here: http://emels.eu

Project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union