Evens Foundation
Living together harmoniously in Europe

Media Meets Literacy in Sarajevo 2017

Media Meets Literacy in Sarajevo 2017
Media literacy professionals from all over Europe will be gathering in Sarajevo in September 2017 to explore the huge challenges of our rapidly changing media world.
Given the tidal wave of information, disinformation, propaganda and lies that we have witnessed in the recent past, the Media Meets Literacy 2017 conference, organized by the Evens Foundation and partners, will have plenty to discuss.

When: 21 & 22 September 2017
Where: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Language: English

The second Media Meets Literacy conference will explore the crucial question of media literacy at a time when information literacy and critical thinking toward the media are more crucial than ever.

We’ve seen what are called ‘digital wildfires’ of disinformation, echo-chambers of fake ‘news’, conspiracy theories presented as being just as valid as evidence-based research, the equating of truth and falsehood – all giving rise to 2016’s word of the year: ‘post-truth’. But civil society is maintained by having informed, critical and media-literate citizens, while the media – from radio and television to the Internet and social networks – are the essential means of informing the public in our democracies.

Given the rapid proliferation in the means of disseminating news, fake news and disinformation, the media literacy of our citizens is far from being a subject for relaxed academic discussion. The conference will be focusing on one of the most crucial questions of our time.

The conference schedule

21 September: The gathering begins in the morning with a keynote speech, Q&A, a debate, and a series of parallel breakout sessions (workshops, presentations, debates) where media professionals will suggest ways of tackling the challenges of our post-factual media landscape. In the evening, the Award Ceremony of the Evens Prize for Media Education 2017 will take place.

22 September: A morning plenary will be followed by a dozen of 10-minute presentations where educators, entrepreneurs, academics and policymakers will share their knowledge of and insights into media and information literacy.

If you would like to organize a breakout session on the subject of propaganda or disinformation and information literacy at the conference, do send us a proposal by 24 March 2017 using the form on the conference website.


Up to 250 people can attend the conference, and it is completely free of charge. If you’d like to join us, you can register on the conference website from 2nd May 2017 onwards. Check our conference website for regular updates on speakers, presentations, workshops, venue, travel & accommodation options, and much more.

Joanna Krawczyk (organisation&program)