Evens Foundation
Living together harmoniously in Europe

Medialabs Paris

Medialabs Paris
The Evens Foundation initiates and supports media production structures managed by young people. These Medialabs help young people to acquire news-making competencies in an informal learning setting and introduce them to the challenges of news production today.

The objectives are to:


  • Enhance the young people’s awareness and critical reflexion on dominant media discourses
  • Develop their creative capacities and propose a platform for expression
  • Encourage young people’s engagement in active citizenship

In 2010, two medialabs were developed and launched in Paris, in collaboration with local partners.

Street Press

Street Press is an online, participatory media platform created in 2008 by young journalists in Paris. To enlarge its network of correspondents, Street Press runs a training program for young people to initiate them into the job of reporter.

In 2010, the Evens Foundation decided to support one of the Street Press’ projects: La Rédaction du 19e, a local media facility in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, initiated in partnership with city administration’s Conseil de la jeunesse.  Trained and guided by StreetPress, the young reporters cover local life and topics that interest young people, with the ambition to create new links and interactions within the neighbourhood.


To continue this experience, the Evens foundation supports a new initiative developed by Street Press: Street School for young journalists. Read more about this project here.


Fais tourner l’info

Fais touner l’info is a newsroom and an online platform, created and managed by the young residents of the 20th arrondissement of Paris. Young people learn to analyze the media and produce their own reports and documentaries on current issues and topics concerning the social and political life. The recent research is dedicated to the French presidential elections. The youngsters have organized a series of open public debates with their peers in order to discuss together the different presidential programs and better understand the positions and opinions of their generation. A short documentary relating this experience will be released in 2012.

The project was initiated by the Evens foundation in collaboration with Plus Loin, a local non-formal learning structure. In 2010, the project was supported by ARCADI (Établissement public de coopération culturelle, Île de France).