Evens Foundation
Living together harmoniously in Europe

Belfedar: the playful promotion of peace

Belfedar: the playful promotion of peace
Belfedar is the fruit of a partnership between the Université de Paix (University of Peace) and the Evens Foundation. A boardgame for 4-8 players aged over 10, it encourages constructive communication, cooperation and group solidarity. It also helps to develop social skills for managing conflict and preventing violence.

Through amusing exercises, players better understand both themselves and others, develop self-esteem, and learn creative expression, management of emotions, listening cooperation, etc.

The 250 challenges offered are both active and interactive: mime, drawings, games involving words, writing, movement, singing, and so on. But this game is not only entertaining thanks to its diversity, it is also an opportunity for everyone to exercise their particular talents so that the players combine resources to successfully complete the challenges.

After launching the first edition in French, the foundation partnered with five organizations in Poland, Flanders and Spain to publish the game in three new languages.

Apart from distributing the game, our partners are responsible for promoting it in their countries through introductory workshops, in-depth training for animators and teachers, game sessions, participation in fairs and conferences etc.

The main goal of the project is to raise awareness among educators about constructive group dynamics and positive conflict management.

For more details about Belfedar (content, sales, etc.) in France, Belgium, Spain and Poland, and events associated with it (exhibitions, workshops, trainings, etc), please visit www.belfedar.org regularly.

Our partners:

Université de Paix, Non-Violence Actualité & Génération MédiateursFrench version

CEO & Partners Polska – Polish version

Escola de Cultura de Pau & Artijoc – Spanish version

Tumult – Dutch version