Evens Foundation
Living together harmoniously in Europe

Conflict Matters Conference Brussels 2015

Conflict Matters Conference Brussels 2015
More than 300 people from 27 countries attended the first edition of our Conflict Matters – Learning Across Difference conference in Brussels, including over 100 future teachers from the Erasmus University College.

The program highlights of the event included keynote speeches and contributions by education specialists, psychologists, neuroscientists; as well as tailor-made workshops and trainings on conflict management in school, handling controversial topics in classroom, alternative approaches to school rules and sanctions, school climate, shared decision-making at school, conflict and social media and many others.

The conference started with four keynote speakers who challenged the audience to reconsider our relation to conflict and explore its potential for learning and transformation, both personal and social. The next day was dedicated to exchanging good practices, knowledge and experience to deal with urgent challenges such as prejudice, racism, school violence and dropouts. In the evening, as a festive intermezzo, the third Evens Prize for Peace Education was officially awarded to the Ghent nursery Tierlantuin. The final day focused on how to expand this exciting movement for conflict management in education.

The conference took place from October 21 to 23, 2015 in Brussels’ KVS and the Flemish Parliament. For the full program, please check conflictmatters.eu/conference-2015/