Evens Foundation
Living together harmoniously in Europe

Co-resolving Complex Issues in School

Co-resolving Complex Issues in School
The first edition of our Summer Lab presented an exceptional two-day training workshop to address sensitive topics and resolve tension in educational settings.

Especially designed for the Evens Foundation and led by Myrna Lewis, co-founder and CEO of Deep Democracy (South Africa), the training introduced the innovative CoResolve methodology that will enable teachers and educators to have difficult conversations and resolve tension and conflict in school settings.

The method supports young people, teachers and practitioners to uncover learnings about themselves and others during the course of engaging in conversation, debate or discussion. It turns these moments into learning opportunities. Working with this method and tools also helps to foster a culture of participation, dialogue, involvement and mutual respect at school.

Wendy Colyn, a circuit manager in the Education Department in South Africa responsible for 41 schools who has piloted the method, also shared her rich experience in disadvantaged South-African schools.

25 peace education practitioners from all over Europe gathered in Antwerp could gain insights into the CoResolve methodology and leave equipped with pragmatic and useful tools that can be applied immediately. All participants were invited to join the subsequent instructor training in order to work with and help disseminate this approach in Europe.