Evens Foundation
Living together harmoniously in Europe

Dream Your School Poland

Dream Your School Poland
Ideas on how to change the schools come mainly from adults, who graduated long time ago, and are subordinated to political decisions. Let’s give the floor to the kids, let’s make them partners in the decision-making process.

The Polish edition of Dream your school project will be implemented in partnership with the Center for Citizenship Education (CEO), School with Class Foundation and Educational Research Institute, who have been actively participating in the process of raising the quality of Polish education for over 20 years. In the project we will look closely at schools, diagnose their needs, introduce innovations, train headmasters, teachers and students, drawing on Polish and international good practices. We want listen to the teachers and their students as we want to know about the school of their dreams, what do they like about the one they frequent every day, what they would like to change. We will also raise our competences, we learn, we gain knowledge, tools and methods to inspire others.

The floor in the project will be given to the students; we will ask them about the school of their dreams. We will conduct a research among students: in the school and during two CEO’s events, in total we will ask 100 young people. This will serve as an introduction to the main event: a two-day conference involving approx. 60 students and 30 teachers, that will take place in Warsaw. With the use a set of interactive methods we will collect their proposals on the school of the dreams and we will initiate a panel discussion on the students and teachers proposals collected during the workshops involving students themselves, teachers, experts, and Ministry of Education representatives. The proposals will be elaborated in a form of a bulletin and submitted to the Ministry of Education and other institutions, universities, organizations and experts engaged with education in Poland. We will create a regularly updated Facebook profile and distribute information about the project in the newsletters and on the websites within CEO and through our partner organizations.


Ideas on how to change the schools come mainly from adults, who graduated long time ago, and are subordinated to political decisions. Let’s give the floor to the kids, let’s make them partners in the decision-making process!

This approach is educational (strengthens self-confidence, supports development, etc.) and political (encourages decision-making parties to engage in the elaboration and introduction of deep changes in education)

For whom?

Students 6 to 18 years of age (approx. 160), teachers (approx. 100)


* we will collect students’ and teachers’ opinions on how the school works nowadays;

* we will create friendly environment to reflect on the role and situation of the schools;

* students will discuss on the school of their dreams and we will collect their ideas

* our experts will elaborate the proposals;

* we will prepare the proposals for the publication in a bulletin that will include also the ideals of UK and French students.

More info here

Read the newspaper attached below.