Evens Foundation
Living together harmoniously in Europe

Floating Territories film

Floating Territories is a concept created in 2007 by the Evens Foundation.

In a Europe in motion, caught between fear and optimism, this project sought to stimulate the creation of a new territory, a heterotopia, in order to question the conditions of change in the context of the rapidly changing Euro-Mediterranean region.

Floating Territories was a laboratory, a program, a voyage – but it was also an actual, chartered boat on to which artists, curators, thinkers and experts from various backgrounds were invited to explore the responsibilities and limits of art, in the context of an ever-evolving Europe.

As a platform for artistic production, it offered the opportunity to develop a dynamic and experimental perspective inter-connected with the contemporary art biennials of Istanbul, Athens and Venice.

The project aimed to enhance solidarity among the Mediterranean countries – not only human solidarity, arising from intense and ancient migratory flows, but also solidarity that arises through common perceptions and experiences, particularly in the artistic field, that transcend ordinary national experience.

It sought to investigate what constitutes our collective and individual identity in a globalized world in the 21st century, characterized by crises and worldwide challenges. In this respect, the Mediterranean world represents an extraordinary laboratory.

Over the course of its ten-day journey, linking Istanbul, Athens and Venice, the project spawned an eclectic variety of projects, and created a platform for artistic exchanges and interactions between these three major Mediterranean centers.

Stanley Brinks (ex-André Herman Düne) & Clémence Fréchard, Pascale Cassagnau, Mariana Castillo Deball, Alex Cecchetti, Bart De Baere, Brigitte de Malau, Christian de Marliave, Brian Dillon, Nico Dockx, Cevdet Erek, Kodwo Eshun & Anjalika Sagar, Anselm Franke, Yona Friedman, Christian Frosi, Liam Gillick, Katerina Gregos, Hannah Hurtzig, Evelyne Jouanno, Bouchra Khalili, Irene Kopelman, Erden Kosova, Abdelwahab Meddeb, Eva Meyer, Jennifer Nelson, August Ort’s, Konstantious Papageorgiou, Michalis Paparounis, Chiara Parisi, Suzan Philipsz, Alasdair Roberts, Dieter Roelstraete, Suely Rolnik, Pelin Tan, Bulent Tanju, Jennifer Teets, Muriel Teodori, Jalal Toufic, Tris Vonna-Michell, Grant Watson, and many others.

For the program details, see: www.floatingterritories.org